Saturday, June 13, 2009

Picasso's Art Stolen

A red notebook of 33 pencil drawings by Pablo Picasso has been stolen from a Paris museum. However, it will be a hard book to sell. Although worth an estimated $11 million, the only market for such a book would be a museum, like, say, the one it was taken from. Private collectors would much rather have more bang for their buck, but it has been speculated that some bizzare Picasso addict may have hired-out to have the book taken.

In August 2007, two Picasso paintings and a drawing worth more than $66 million were recovered after being stolen six months earlier.

To read a full article on the caper, click

And lastly, just bask in the glory of Picasso's work:



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winner of the 2009 Student Made Short Film Festival

The Annual Student-Made Short Film Festival was great this year with 10 submissions ranging from mockumentary to Office spin-off. Of course, it was the "dream" that won the audience's love, and a really big trophy.

The Society of Communication & Aesthetics

If you've been wondering, we are the Society of Communication & Aesthetics based out of Grove City College in Pennsylvania. We are a new organization on campus with one mission: to communicate our ideas through the mediums of art and media that we love the most. So far we have hosted a gallery/concert event and a student-made film festival. This coming academic year, we will be holding even more events and starting an artist residency program.
We are not only an arts related group. We also seek opportunities to mesh aesthetics with communication. This could include journalism, advertising, or public relations.
All of these things are discovered and explored not only through our events but through workshops and speakers.
Please enjoy and get involved!
President of The Society of Communication and Aesthetics